
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Review: "It's Not Over" by Joshua Gagnon

Do you ever feel restless? Like you were made for more than what you're currently doing with your life? The good news is that, as long as you're still alive, there's time to work toward the dreams God placed inside you, because It's Not Over.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Review: "One Little Lie" by Colleen Coble

One Little Lie, the first book in Colleen Coble's Pelican Harbor series, is fantastic romantic suspense!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Review: "More than We Remember" by Christina Suzann Nelson

While my first instinct is always to pick up a romance, I do enjoy a good women's fiction novel every so often ... and More Than We Remember fits the bill!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Read with Us 2020: A Book Published in the Decade You Were Born

For February's category, we picked A Book Published in the Decade You Were Born ... which means you'll get two books from the '80s and one from the '90s.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Review: "Traces" by Denise Weimer

Traces by Denise Weimer

Welcome to my stop on the Blog Tour & Giveaway for Traces by Denise Weimer, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours! I've been reading a ton of historical fiction lately—mainly Regency and Victorian romance—so it was nice to have a change of pace with this suspense novel.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Review: "The Runaway Bride" by Jody Hedlund

After reading the first book in Jody Hedlund's Bride Ships series last year, I've been eagerly awaiting book two, and it's finally here!

(Fortunately for me, in the intervening time, Hedlund published an entire YA series, so I wasn't completely without her books!)

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Review: "The Winter Companion" by Mimi Matthews

Sometimes, you get a taste of an author's writing and fall completely in love. It's happened to me a few times ... most recently with Mimi Matthews!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Review: "Promised" by Leah Garriott

Welcome to my stop on the Promised blog tour! (You can see the full schedule below.) Over the last several years, I've fallen in love with Regency romance, so when I heard about the Promised tour, I was eager to join—not just because of the Regency aspect, but also because it's part of Shadow Mountain Publishing's "Proper Romance" line, which I've been curious about 🙂.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Review: "A Convenient Fiction" by Mimi Matthews

Oh, my. Mimi Matthews just keeps getting better! This is the sixth of her books that I've read, and it's definitely in my top two. (I adored The Lost Letter, and I think it still gets the edge, but just barely.)