
Friday, December 31, 2021

Review: "So, This Is Christmas" by Tracy Andreen

I was very excited about this book, knowing it was written by the screenwriter of Snow Bride, one of my favorite Hallmark movies of all time. But Hallmark this ain't...

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Review + Giveaway: "American Underdog" (2021 Film)

My family has a longstanding tradition of seeing a movie on Christmas. We won't be going this year - it's still too dangerous for my immunocompromised self - but if we were, American Underdog would be the movie we'd see. Fortunately, I was able to watch a screener ... so I can tell you that this absolutely should be on your Christmas agenda if you're comfortable going to movie theaters!

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Review: "Lights Out" by Natalie Walters

After reading Lights Out, I have just one question: When can I get my hands on book two???

Friday, December 10, 2021