
Monday, October 10, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (10-10-16)

Happy Monday! It's time for another reading check-in, and I read way more than I anticipated last week. Why? Because on Wednesday, I felt the beginnings of a cold, and by Friday afternoon, I had retreated to my couch, where I remained through today. While most of the time I didn't feel like doing anything except watching TV (or, more accurately, dozing while the TV was on), at times I felt like reading—and I ended up finishing three books! I also made some good headway on the cross-stitch project I've been working on for a while. Who knows, I might actually finish it this fall!

This afternoon, I finally felt good enough to open up the laptop for the first time since Thursday ... and I was greeted by this screen.

Three hours later, the updates are finally finished. I swear, Windows 10 wants to update all the time!

What I read last week:

Keep Holding On by Melissa Tagg. This book was just as good as I'd hoped it would be! (review and rating to come)

Just a Kiss by Denise Hunter. This final book in Hunter's Summer Harbor series is the one I'd most anticipated, and it didn't disappoint. (review and rating to come)

The Wedding Shop by Rachel Hauck. On Saturday morning, I was actually feeling pretty good (that was very short lived, unfortunately), and I read almost all of this book in one sitting. I absolutely loved it! (5 stars)

What I'm reading now:

She Reads Truth by Raechel Myers & Amanda Bible Williams. I started reading this early last week, but as soon as the cold hit, I no longer had the brain capacity to comprehend anything I really had to think about. I am definitely looking forward to reading more this week.

What I'm listening to:

The Gathering by Katie Ganshert. I didn't ever mow my lawn like I thought I would, thanks to my cold, but I still listened to about an hour of the book ... until I started falling asleep—thanks to the cold, not Ganshert's writing!

What I'll read next:

A Lady Unrivaled by Roseanna M. White. Earlier this year, I read White's The Reluctant Duchess, the previous installment in her Ladies of the Manor series. I loved it, and I'm hoping A Lady Unrivaled will be just as good!

What books are you reading right now? Let me know in the comments, and check out other posts from the linkup.

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  1. I'm so sorry you were sick, but hooray for so much reading!!

    I hope you have a great (and healthy) week!

    1. Thanks, Lindsey! I've been back at work since Tuesday, but I'm still not 100%--looking forward to more relaxing (and reading!) this weekend.

  2. hi I just found your blog and wow you do read a lot and I thought I was a voracious reader . sorry you were sick a friend of mine went to the dr recently and said she sat there from 1 pm 3.30 and it was full of sick people . I'm wearing masks this winter when I go out into the general public and I encourage everyone to do so . but hope you are fully recovered .

    1. I DO read a lot! Comes and goes in spurts, though--if I'm particularly addicted to a TV show, I might not get much reading done :-)

      I think I'm fortunate that I only had a cold--I work at a school, and we've already had kids out with strep and the flu.

      Thanks for stopping by and for commenting, phonelady!

  3. I was doing so much reading I didn't get out like I usually do on the internet to find more to read! I was caught up on The Problem Solver by Tom Gehring which is amazing and a book that I NEEDED to read. I will be looking into these books, cause my tbr stack remarkably has gotten smaller, and we can't have that!

    1. I've never heard of The Problem Solver before, so I'll have to check it out. Thanks for visiting!
