
Monday, April 24, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (4-24-17)

Hosted by The Book Date

Happy Monday! I've been absent for several weeks (blame the busyness of the end of the school year), but I'm back now—because I'm prepping this on Saturday while watching Everest. My thoughts so far: why on earth would you put yourself through that? I certainly don't have an adventurer's spirit!

A couple things to update you on before I get into the last week's reading: Remember how I talked about my broken TV last month? Well, it finally has a decent resolution—not because the manufacturer or Walmart stepped up, but because of the generosity of a friend. She was talking about how she's rather do without until she can afford a good-quality product, and I said that I'm the opposite in that I almost always go the cheap route, and sometimes I pay for it later (like in the instance of the TV). And then she said she had an older 40-inch TV in storage because she'd bought a new one, and I could have it. The TV that died was a 32-inch! Even though this TV is several years old (I'm thinking it's approaching 10), it has all the inputs I need, and the sound and picture are better than on the one that died. I still think you should avoid ProScan products like the plague (as well as other products manufactured by the parent company, Curtis International), and buyer beware when it comes to the extended warranty, which won't do you a bit of good if the manufacturer's warranty is still in effect. (You'd think you wouldn't need an extended warranty to cover you until the manufacturer's warranty runs out, but when the manufacturer's warranty is stupid, well ...)

The other great thing to tell you about is actually book related: for the third consecutive year, I've been selected as a judge for the contemporary romance/romantic suspense category of the INSPY Awards! (You can see the announcement and meet the other judges here.) I'm really excited about the books that made the longlist in each category, and I can't wait to see what makes it onto the shortlist ... and then it will be time to get reading :-)

What I read last week:

Life After by Katie Ganshert. I loved this book!!! It's one of those that I can't talk about much, as I don't want to spoil anything, but please read it! It's so good! (5 stars)

The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection. I don't know if I'll ever get this reviewed on the blog, but I did post a little blurb on Goodreads. I really enjoyed most of the novellas in this collection ... and one I hated. That's the way it goes, I guess! (4 stars)

What I listened to on audiobook last week:

Kissed by a Cowboy by Lacy Williams. I've owned the Kindle version of this book for a while, but I never read it. Then I got a free copy of the audiobook from the author, and I decided it would make the perfect mowing entertainment. I was right :-) (Also, how sad is it that I'm mowing in mid-April? And I'll still be mowing in mid-October, probably. I hate mowing.) (3-1/2 stars

What I'm reading now:

The Chillbury Ladies' Choir by Jennifer Ryan. This is my current lunch break read. It's an epistolary novel (told entirely through letters and journal entries), and I'm really enjoying it. I should finish it up this week.

What I'll read next:

Searching for Sarah by Julieann Dove. So I don't even remember signing up for the tour for this book, but apparently I did. The book appeared in my inbox this afternoon, and my post date is Sunday, so I guess I have to read this next!

What are you reading currently? Or have you read any of these books? Let me know!

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  1. I'm finishing up What Hope Remembers by Johnnie Alexander.

    1. I've read a couple of her books, but not that one. Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by!
