
Monday, May 7, 2018

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (5-7-18)

Happy Monday! So it seems like we skipped right over spring and went straight to summer. Seriously, two weeks ago I was running my heater, and right now, at 8:30 p.m., it's 80° in my living room ... because I'm refusing to turn on my air conditioning yet.

We had a great weekend full of family and fun. My cousin got married on Saturday, and then my sister, brother, and sister-in-law stuck around on Sunday to celebrate Easter (very late!), Mother's Day (a little early), and my dad's birthday. My sister got my parents a brilliant present, if I do say so myself (as it was my suggestion!): a Fire TV stick. They already had one, but Mom prefers to watch things in the kitchen, and Dad likes to watch in the living room, and they watch vastly different things, so they've been moving their stick back and forth. Now they each get one, and they can just play the dueling volume game 🤣.
Me, Blendy, & Mom on Easter/Mother's Day/Dad's Birthday
I didn't read too much last week, and I have a feeling that's going to be the norm until I finally get the yearbook turned in. I'm reading some things I'm really excited about, just a little more slowly than usual.

What I read last week:

Dead Drift by Dani Pettrey. I finally finished this lunch break read. It's a great conclusion to Pettrey's Chesapeake Valor series! You'll have to wait a while for the review, though, as it doesn't release until July. (4-1/2 stars, review to come)

Meet Me There by Judy Corry. This is the prequel to Corry's Don't Forget Me, and it's a much less complicated story. Where Don't Forget Me had twists galore, Meet Me There was much more straightforward. And I loved it! (4 stars, review to come)

What I'm reading now:

Falling for You by Becky Wade. The book I anticipate more than any other each year is Becky Wade's newest release. So when this book arrived in my mailbox last week, it vaulted to the top of my TBR pile. I've just barely started it, but I'm sure I'm going to love it! (Also, book one in this series is on sale for $1.99, and it's totally worth your $2.)

What I'll read next:

I'm going to stick with last week's guess (which didn't happen, obviously) of Storm Front by Susan May Warren. Becky Wade doesn't have another book releasing this week, so I think it's a pretty safe bet 😉.

How was your reading week? Let me know, and then head over to The Book Date to see what others read last week!

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  1. Not a lot of reading in my world last week because I was busy with work. I managed one book review, though. Meet Me There looks great. I've seen Becky Wade's book at a few blogs this week. Hope you get some reading done. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I totally understand being too busy with work to read much, Cheryl! You definitely should check out Becky's book. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Lovely! When it's all about family time, less reading time is ok. Glad to read you had so many good things to celebrate. :)

    ...cannot wait to read Becky's! I'm currently finishing Courtney's summer release, and it's, as always, lovely. :)

    1. Thanks, Rissi! Can you believe that I haven't read anything by Courtney yet? I own three of her books ... I just need to get to them!

  3. Congratulations to you cousin, and happy birthday to your dad. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  4. Interesting books - I've only read one Becky Wade, but really liked it and have others of hers on my TBR. Here's what I'm currently reading:

    1. Oh, you definitely should read more of Becky's books, Kym! She's my favorite contemporary romance writer. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I love Dani Pettrey and Becky Wade! Happy reading :)

    Thank for stopping by!

