
Friday, July 27, 2018

First Line Fridays: "Miss Serena's Secret"

It's finally Friday!!! These past two weeks have been incredibly busy, and I'm so thankful to be approaching the weekend.

This week, I'm spotlighting the book I finished reading last night: Miss Serena's Secret by Carolyn Miller.

"Warm summer sun lit the scene before her: a golden-yellow oak table boasting a squat blue vase with an arrangement of ferns and pink roses."

I adore Carolyn Miller's regency romances, and Miss Serena's Secret is a wonderful story of redemption. Look for my review soon!

Check out the book on Amazon & Goodreads.

What are you currently reading? Share the first line in the comments, and then head over to Hoarding Books to see what others are sharing! Have a lovely weekend!

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  1. Happy Friday! My first line is from Dancing in the Rain by Eileen Rife and Jennifer Slattery:

    “The letter was probably one more rejection Loni could add to all the others crumpled in her trash.”

    1. Sounds interesting! I've read some of Slattery's other books, and they're always thought provoking. Happy reading!

  2. This one is on my TBR list. On my blog, I'm sharing the first line from Secrets & Charades by Cindy Ervin Huff. Since I'm still reading the book, I will share the first two lines from chapter 8 here. "Jake finished hitching the wagon as the sun rose over the horizon. When he peered in the door of the soddie, Evangeline stood before him trying to press the wrinkles out of her green dress with her hands." Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. It's so good, Anneliese--I'm sure you'll enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Happy Friday! I'm sharing from a different book on my blog today, but my current lunchtime read is the second Lady Alkmene Cozy Mystery, Diamonds of Death by Vivian Conroy. Here are the first lines:

    "It was madness to do this on a night with a full moon. But then you had to be a little mad to do this work to begin with."

    1. Thanks for sharing, Yvette! Those first lines are quite intriguing :-)

  4. This book is really popular this week!
    The book I shared on my blog today is A Rumored Fortune by Joanna Davidson Politano but it's also the book I'm currently reading so I'll share the first line from chapter 3 here: "Squinting into the fog made orange by the rising sun, I strode through the sprawling vineyard in a nightdress and my tattered old garden cloak and pondered the odd whispers of my servant." Hope you have a great weekend with lots of reading time! :)

    1. I can't wait to read that book! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Happy Friday!

    I've seen this book a few times now, and I'm getting even more excited to read it!

    I’m reading The Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw by Christopher Healy right now, so here’s the first line: “Outlaws have too many feathers in their hats.”

    Hallie @ Book by Book

    1. I don't have a clue what that line means, Hallie, but I'm intrigued :-) Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Happy Friday! My first line comes from The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton

    London, 1913

    It was dark where she crouched but the little girl did as she'd been told.

    1. I have that book but haven't read it yet. Happy reading, Caryl!

  7. Happy Friday!😊

    My first line comes from The Mending by Susan Lantz Simpson……..

    She sensed someone had entered the room, even though she’d been dozing and hadn’t heard the whoosh of the door opening or the squeak of athletic shoes on the tile floor. Her eyes felt glued shut.

    Have a great weekend and happy reading!😊📚

    1. OK, that sounds terrifying ... but maybe it's not, really? Happy reading!

  8. Beautiful cover!

    Today’s first lines come from Dangerous Deeds: The Westport Mysteries. Lizzie by Beth Prentice.

    ~It’s probably important that I start this story by telling you who I am. My name is Lizzie Fuller and I’m the tallest female member of my family, measuring in at 5’2”.~

    This is an older release, but it’s my Quirky Blind Date with a Book this month. I have to say, I’m enjoying it so far!

    I’m featuring lines from Lexi Blake’s upcoming release “Protected.” on my blog today. I hope you can stop by!

    1. How fun! I've always wanted to do a blind date with a book. Happy reading!

  9. I'm also sharing the first line of Miss Serena's Secret on my blog, so I'll share the first line from the book I'm currently reading: Justice by Emily Conrad:

    "Snow floated onto Main Street, each flake large enough to catch the breeze like a parachute."

    1. Sounds intriguing, Iola! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I'm featuring this story today too! I love Miller's books--happy reading!

    1. I saw it on several blogs today--and I'm happy to see it get the exposure. Such a great novel. Happy reading!
