
Monday, September 30, 2019

Review: "Diamond in the Rough" by Jen Turano

If you're looking for a lighthearted rom-com set during the Guilded Age, Diamond in the Rough is the book for you!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Review: "Foremost" by Jody Hedlund

I just finished reading Foremost, the second novel in Jody Hedlund's Lost Princesses series, and I'm left with just one question: How long until I can pick up Hereafter, the final book in the series? (Answer: about a month. Thankfully!)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Review: "Ford" by Susan May Warren

After reading Knox and Tate a couple months ago, I couldn't wait to dive back into the Montana Marshalls with Ford!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Review: "You Belong with Me" by Tari Faris

I hadn't heard of Tari Faris before one of my bookstagram friends started raving about her novella P.S. Goodbye (which you can get free by signing up for Faris's newsletter). After I read the novella, I understood why my friend was raving, and I immediately added You Belong with Me to my TBR. Once it arrived in my mailbox, it jumped over a few other books in the queue because I just couldn't wait to read it!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My TBR I'm Avoiding Reading (and Why)

Happy Tuesday! I'm having a fabulous week so far, mainly because I kicked it off with a Backstreet Boys concert!!! As a child of the 90's, I was all about boy bands—and I firmly believed that *NSYNC was the best. I did like the Backstreet Boys, too, and now I would definitely say that musically speaking, Backstreet is the superior group. Because I enjoyed their music but wasn't a superfan, I just assumed that Brian and Nick were the lead singers, and the others were backups (like Justin and JC in *NSYNC) ... so I was surprised to see how often A.J. was the lead on Backstreet Boys songs! A.J. and Brian are probably the best vocalists in the group, but they all can hold their own.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Review: "Finding Lady Enderly" by Joanna Davidson Politano

Over the past few years, I've come to greatly anticipate Joanna Davidson Politano's releases, as I can always count on them to be thought-provoking, intriguing mysteries. Her new release, Finding Lady Enderly, is no exception!

Monday, September 2, 2019

August Wrap-Up

Hello, September! While I'm not as eager to see September this year as I am sometimes (because while the humidity has been unreal, the heat hasn't been that bad), I'm still ready for fall and all that it brings.

After my massive reading slump that lasted most of July, I happily devoured many books in August ... including half of the books I had on my August TBR. 50% is much better than I did in July!