
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Review: "Christmas in Idaho" by Ray Downing

Looking for a different kind of reading experience for your family this Christmas? Check out Christmas in Idaho!

Saturday, October 30, 2021

2021 Holiday Reading Roundup

Yes, it's still October, but Christmas season is upon us! (How do I know? Check out the Hallmark Channel 😄) As always, lots of new books are releasing around the Christmas season; here are some that have caught my eye. I'll be reviewing most of these as the season goes on, so keep an eye out! (Clicking on a book's title will take you to its Amazon page. These are affiliate links, meaning if you make a purchase, I'll get a small commission.)

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Review: "The Inns of Devonshire" by Sally Britton, Annette Lyon, & Deborah M. Hathaway

Mirror Press is back with another delightful Regency romance anthology, this one set in three inns in Devonshire.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Review: "The Secret Keepers of Old Depot Grocery" by Amanda Cox

Last year, I read Amanda Cox's debut novel, The Edge of Belonging, and was completely enchanted. So when her new novel came up for review, I didn't even have to think about requesting it!

Review: "A Midnight Dance" by Joanna Davidson Politano

You know how sometimes when you're reading at night, you come to a realization that yes, you are going to finish the book before going to bed, no matter how late it gets? That's what happened to me with A Midnight Dance. When I started the book, I intended to read for about an hour before bed. Five hours later, I turned the final page. I just had to know how everything turned out!

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Review: "The Single Dad's Holiday Match" by Tanya Agler

Oh, Harlequin ... you really know how to create titles 🤣. Believe it or not, The Single Dad's Holiday Match is not about online dating, takes place over the span of three holidays, and is just as much about the "match" as it is about the "single dad." It's also a better book than the title would imply.