
Monday, January 28, 2019

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (1-28-19)

Happy (cold, cold, cold) Monday! It's currently 17° with a wind chill of 8, and it's only going to get worse over the next few days. However, I'm thankful that we're not facing the extreme cold that my friends in Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan have coming their way. Can't it be spring yet?

It's been f.o.r.e.v.e.r. since I last participated in It's Monday!, and it's time to get back on the old blogging horse. I actually didn't read very much last week, as I pulled out my Fringe DVDs a couple weeks ago, and I'm completely hooked. However, the show is so much grosser than I remembered ... I don't recommend watching while you eat! One of my favorite pastimes while watching is playing "Spot the Hallmark actor." Fringe filmed in Canada for the majority of its run, and when it originally aired, I didn't have access to the Hallmark Channel. But now I do, and I bet I see someone I recognize in every other episode. (The majority of Hallmark's movies and TV shows also film in Canada, and they utilize many Canadian actors.) In fact, just tonight I spotted a much younger looking Henry Gowen from When Calls the Heart and the horrible Catherine from A Country Wedding!

Anyway, here's what I've been reading ...

What I Read Last Week:

How the Light Gets In by Jolina Petersheim. This book doesn't release for another month or so, and when it comes out you must read it. And then discuss it with me! (5 stars)

What I'm Reading Now:

The Curse of Misty Wayfair by Jamie Jo Wright. I'm struggling to get into this one; hopefully, once I have an extended period of time to spend with it (rather than 30 minutes over lunch), I'll enjoy it.

If the Summer Lasted Forever by Shari L. Tapscott. This will probably be my final Kindle Unlimited read. I've had a 3-month deal, but I can't justify the regular $9.99/month price tag. Anyway, this is a fun YA romance. I really enjoy Tapscott's writing!

What I'll Read Next:

Maybe It's You by Christy Hayes. Hayes has written a passel of romance novels; this is her first Christian romance. 

How was your Monday? Is it cold where you are? And how was your reading week? Let's chat about it in the comments, and then head over to the linkup to see what others are reading.

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  1. Nice that you are getting back into Its Monday and reading. Viewing though is so relaxing at times isn't it. I am hooked on Brothers and Sisters at the moment as I never saw it when it first aired.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Kathryn! It's fun to get back into it :-) I've not watched Brothers and Sisters, but I've heard good things--perhaps that will be one of my next binges!

  2. Aww, Maybe It's You looks REALLY cute! :)

    Currently I'm reading Carla Laureano's latest. Happy Monday.

    1. I'm loving the covers that are in that illustrated style! And Carla's is one of my next reads. Enjoy, and, as always, thanks for stopping by!
