
Friday, February 1, 2019

First Line Fridays: "The Thirteenth Chance"

Happy Friday! We've made it through another work week, it's beautiful here in Nebraska today (currently 57°!!!), and the thought of sleeping in tomorrow makes me smile.

Before I get into today's book, I have to ask: are any of you watching The Masked Singer? I'm not entirely sure why I started watching, but I'm completely addicted! Addicted to the point where I'm Googling every little thing while I watch. A glimpse at Wednesday night's search history:
  • Joey Fatone basketball
  • Joey Fatone Brooklyn
  • Joey Fatone magic
  • Masked Singer Muncie Indiana
Basically, if Joey Fatone isn't the Rabbit, I'll be floored. I know he's denying it, but of course he's not going to admit it! It has to be an 'Nsyncer, and Joey fits the clues. Plus, I think it sounds like Joey.

Watch the Rabbit's first performance here—to my ears, it definitely sounds more like Joey than any other *Nsync guy, though I will concede a 1% chance that it's JC instead of Joey...but that voice just doesn't sound like JC to me!

Yes, I am spending too much time thinking about this 🤣.

Anyway, to the book! This week, I decided to go not with a book I'm currently reading but with a book that fits a bookstagram challenge I'm doing this month. Today's prompt is Sports Romance (see my Instagram post). I don't read a ton of sports romances, but then I remembered one of my favorites in the genre: Amy Matayo's The Thirteenth Chance!

I am a fourth grade teacher, but on days like today, I'm not entirely sure why.

I read this book a few years ago, and I absolutely loved it! This was back when I thought baseball was the most boring sport on the planet, and I still loved it. I should go back and read it again, now that baseball is my favorite sport. (Go Cubs!!!)

Read my review.
Check out the book on Goodreads & Amazon.

What are you currently reading? Share the first line in the comments, and then head over to Hoarding Books to see what others are sharing! Also, if you're watching The Masked Singer, please share your theories on the Rabbit with me!

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  1. I haven't read any books by Amy Matayo, but I keep hearing good things about them! Happy reading!

    My first line is from A Desperate Hope by Elizabeth Camden: "Alex Duval's first hint of trouble was when Eloise failed to appear at their hideaway."

    1. You definitely should check her out! Her books are all so different from each other--in a good way! The Thirteenth Chance is more of a light romantic comedy, and I just love it!

      I'm hoping to get to A Desperate Hope soon. Happy reading!

  2. Happy Weekend! My first line (well, first 2 lines) is from "Ellie's Redemption" by Molly Jebber:

    "Ellie Graber glanced at Joel Wenger across the room. Her heart raced, and her cheeks warmed."

    1. I haven't read any of Molly Jebber's books, but I keep seeing them around. May have to check them out someday. Happy reading!
